Алина Тарабаринова — фотограф и куратор. Снимает стрит и арт-документальную фотографию c 2007 года. Не расстаётся с Leica M4-P, проявителем и фиксажем. Работает над документальными, мультимедийными проектами.
Отпечатки находятся в коллекции дизайнера Ralph Lauren, представлены в американской галерее Dunkan Miller Galery, в швейцарской галерее Fotoii.
Родилась в Санкт-Петербурге в 1985 году. В 2007 году окончила факультет журналистики Санкт-Петербургского государственного университета (СПбГУ). Член Союза фотохудожников России c 2011 года.
Ведëт практический курс по стрит-фотографии в Академии документальной и арт фотографии "Фотографика" с 2015 года.
Проводит фотоэкспедиции по миру.
Автор публикаций в изданиях: Emaho Magazine 2012, ZIN/Magazyn 2012, Kroutchev Planet Photo 2013, C41 Magazine 2013, Kiosk of Democracy 2016, The Calvert Journal 2016, Bird in Flight 2016, F-Stop Magazine 2018, Fergana Agency и др.
Backstage книги "Без привязанности": https://vimeo.com/342249123
Автор персональных и участник групповых выставок в России, Франции, Германии, Словакии, Швейцарии, Индии, Южной Корее, США.
Все эти снимки — автопортреты. Дорога, мечта, поиск, поездки, движение назад и вперед, между счастьем и болью, надеждой и разочарованием, любовью и пустотой, доверием и желанием, смирением и гордостью. Нет прошлого, будущего. Есть здесь, теперь, сейчас. Линия. Заключение и начало. Шепоты. Шепоты изображений и крики о словах, о времени, о пространстве, о дружбе с бездной. И снова шепоты. Я иду, я хочу все, я не хочу ничего. Сотни улиц вытянулись в одну c незаметными поворотами, ландшафтами, городами, чьи названия перестали держаться в моей памяти, а места превратились в скопление музыкальных обрывков и интонаций. Дорога растянулась на много лет. Дорога в себя, из себя, через себя, несмотря на себя, для себя, для тебя.
Alina Tarabarinova was born in Russia (Saint-Petersburg) in 1985. She is photographer and artist, working with art-documentary photography, street photography, documentary films and multimedia projects. She is working with 28mm Leica camera in both color and black and white films. In 2007 graduated St. Petersburg State University, Faculty of Journalism. A member of Russian Photographers' Union from 2011.
Alina gives a course of lectures and workshops on street-photography at the Academy of "Fotografika" . She also organizes photoexpeditions across Russia and other countries.
Since early childhood she has been involved in various aspects of art such as music, painting, dancing. She falls in love with photography and art in general, under the influence of friends and parents and, in particular, her mother. Up to the present day Alina continues to make pictures and work as a freelance photographer.
Silver gelatin prints are kept in Ralph Lauren's private collection, exposed in Duncan Miller Gallery (USA) and presented in Fotoii gallery (Switzerland).
Backstage "Без привязанности": https://vimeo.com/342249123
Publication: Emaho Magazine 2012, ZIN/Magazyn 2012, Kroutchev Planet Photo 2013, C41 Magazine 2013, The Calvert Journal 2016, Kiosk of Democracy 2016, Bird in Flight 2016, F-Stop Magazine 2018, Fergana Agency 2019 and etc.
Author of solo and group exhibitions in Russia, France, Germany, Slovakia, Switzerland, India, South Korea, USA.
I am using photography as a medium to investigate life. I keep asking questions about life. What really makes the difference is what we perceive: photography can gently whisper a story or irreverently scream it. And so the eyes of who's looking or the ears of who's listening become important. I believe that photography can't change the world, but photography can make a soul and heart of people in this world open and sincere. The world needs more than a pretty picture, it needs something that will push people to think. It is an understanding of life, of people, of myself. I'm a person living in a big city. I watching people who are lost in their daily routine. The camera helps me to see the absorbing pace of living in social and status aspects, and to feel that a person can be entitled to another being full with light and joy. But I see that most of the people don’t have enough strength for that and ask myself: is it possible by constantly shooting and showing that to avoid these prescribed patterns of the casual life? Man struggling up the street with packages, newspapers, ties, beautiful suits toward his desire. Man, woman, children streaming over the pavements, red lights clocking hurried watches and movements at the curb-and all this streets leading so crosswise, honking, lengthily, by avenues stalked by high buildings or crusted into slums thru such halting traffic screaming cars and engines so painfully to this countryside, this graveyard this stillness...